Business Entities

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  • BUSINESS ENTITIES – Part 4: Limited Liability Companies by BPE Attorneys Keith Dunnagan and Matthew Kirkpatrick

    In the last article we discussed corporations and their role in the business community. In this article we will look at the limited liability company model as an alternative business structure for your business. LLCs are governed by the California Corporations Code and within the LLC structure there are two types of tax structures and […]

    BUSINESS ENTITIES – Part 3: Corporations by BPE Attorneys Keith Dunnagan and Matthew Kirkpatrick

    In the last article we discussed partnerships and their role in the business community. In this article we will look at the corporate model as an alternative business structure for your company. Corporations are governed by the California Corporations Code and within the corporate structure there are 2 primary tax structures and 3 types of […]

    UNDERSTANDING PARTNERSHIPS by BPE Attorneys Matthew Kirkpatrick and Keith Dunnagan

    In the last article, we introduced the series on entity formation and selection. One of the most common, if not the most common, business entity is the Partnership. These entities are generally governed by the California Corporate Code under either RUPA (General Partnerships) or Re-RULPA (Limited Partnerships). A partnership as an entity is nothing more […]